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16.06.12 14:40
![]() Harald T. Lutz, Hassen A. Gharbi Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Infectious Tropical Diseases Springer | 2005 | ISBN: 3540244468 | Pages: 180 This manual is intended to fill a gap in the range of books on ultrasound diagnosis, concentrating exclusively on the diagnosis of infectious and tropical diseases. The book starts with a short introduction to ultrasound diagnosis. The main part describes and discusses the organ-related changes that can be detected with ultrasound in infectious and inflammatory diseases. The infectious and parasitic diseases that can successfully be diagnosed with ultrasound are presented in more detail. The important potential of interventional ultrasound diagnosis and therapy in infectious diseases is described. This richly illustrated volume has been written by leading experts from all over the world. It is primarily aimed at users of ultrasound diagnostic instruments in tropical and subtropical countries but will be valuable for physicians anywhere in the world confronted with these diseases. |
16.06.12 14:42
![]() Eli Schwartz "Tropical Diseases in Travelers" Wiley-Blackwell | 2009 | ISBN: 1405184418, 1444316850 | 504 pages Covering all the major tropical diseases that present a health risk to travelers, this book is an invaluable resource for all practitioners who encounter the post travel patient. With emphasis on clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment, it is the first book to summarize the knowledge of post travel presentations in the otherwise non-immune and non-endemic population and will aid clinicians to evaluate travelers’ symptoms. The book is divided into three parts. The first is an overview of key aspects of travel medicine; the second contains a detailed discussion of multiple viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. The third part provides a syndromic approach to patients with common travel complaints such as diarrhea, fever and respiratory infections. It also includes useful appendices with lists of anti-parasitic drugs and available diagnostic tests. Summary: Practical, organized, valuable clinical resource Rating: 5 This is a very well organized, readable text that provides a practical, thorough approach to tropical infections in travelers. Each chapter has an excellent blend of background epidemiology, disease presentation, and appropriate diagnostic workup and treatment. These diseases are often difficult to uncover in an ill patient and the book is instructive in identifying not only what testing is indicated, but where it can be done. It has a particularly helpful section on tropical medicine lab studies and contact locations for performing the less common investigations. The general chapters on disease syndromes are well done and guide the clinician to a differential diagnosis based on travel location and symptoms. I highly recommend it for any clinician who may see ill returning travelers. |
16.06.12 15:15
![]() Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales "Current Topics in Tropical Medicine" ISBN: 9535102748 | 2012 | 564 pages Tropical Medicine has emerged and remained as an important discipline for the study of diseases endemic in the tropic, particularly those of infectious etiology. Emergence and reemergence of many tropical pathologies have recently aroused the interest of many fields of the study of tropical medicine, even including new infectious agents. Then evidence-based information in the field and regular updates are necessary. Current Topics in Tropical Medicine presents an updated information on multiple diseases and conditions of interest in the field. It Includes pathologies caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites, protozoans and helminths, as well as tropical non-infectious conditions. Many of them are considering not only epidemiological aspects, but also diagnostic, therapeutical, preventive, social, genetic, bioinformatic and molecular ones. With participation of authors from various countries, many from proper endemic areas, this book has a wide geographical perspective. Finally, all of these characteristics, make an excellent update on many aspects of tropical medicine in the world. |
19.06.12 15:42
![]() Gabriele Halwachs-Baumann "Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Therapy" S inger | 2011 | ISBN: 3709102073 | 163 pages Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most common intrauterine transmitted viral infection, with a tremendous impact on fetuses and newborns. In this book the history of this disease, its pathophysiological background, epidemiology and symptoms, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, will be discussed. Since economic aspects are gaining more and more importance in health politics, one chapter is dedicated to this issue in the context of congenital CMV infection. The content is based on the latest scientific findings and written in an understandable manner, allowing persons not working in the field of congenital CMV to also profit from it. Thus, this book is of interest for medical doctors, nurses, midwives, economists, but also for men and women who want to inform themselves about this topic. |
23.06.12 11:44
![]() Harrison's Infectious Diseases Dennis Kasper and Anthony Fauci English | 2010 | ISBN: 0071702938 | 1313 pages The authority of Harrison's in a handy, full-color paperback devoted exclusively to Infectious Diseases 5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book provides all the latest knowledge in the field and is supported by the scientific rigor and reliability that have defined Harrison's....This book is an essential compact clinical companion for students and clinicians alike....This book is complete, easy to navigate, and remarkably up to date. As the parent text does, this book devotes significant attention to the importance of obtaining a history and conducting a physical examination, the basic foundation of all medicine. It blends the other myriad aspects of infectious diseases and offers eminently readable and current management recommendations. Indeed, it should be regarded as an authoritative source of current information on infectious diseases."--Doody's Review Service Featuring the chapters on Infectious Diseases that appear in the landmark Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e, this compact clinical companion delivers all the latest knowledge in the field, backed by the scientific rigor and reliability that have defined Harrison's. You'll find coverage that reflects the expertise of renowned editors and contributors -- presented in a carry-anywhere format that makes it ideal for the classroom, the wards, or the point of care. With its ease of use, indispensable diagnosis-speeding guidelines, and acclaimed state-of-the-art strategies, Harrison's Infectious Diseases is a must for students and clinicians alike. Harrison's Infectious Diseases delivers: - Current, complete coverage of essential infectious diseases topics, including infections in organ systems, bacterial infections, viral infections, prion diseases, fungal and algal infections, and protozoal and helminthic infections - 100+ high-yield Q&A drawn from Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 17e - 6 complete chapters in print format from the Harrison's DVD - 127 chapters written by experts who have made significant contributions to knowledge in their fields - References and other material that have been updated since the publication of HPIM 17e - Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management topics in each of the disease-oriented chapters - Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance |
23.06.12 12:40
![]() Franco Dammacco "HCV Infection and Cryoglobulinemia" ISBN: 8847017041 | 2012 | 377 pages The first observation of cold-induced precipitation of serum proteins dates back to 1933, when Wintrobe and Buell first described an unusual case of multiple myeloma in a woman whose serum reversibly precipitated at cold temperatures. In 1947 Lerner and Watson showed cold-precipitable proteins to be gammaglobulins and called them ‘cryoglobulins’ and the corresponding clinical condition ‘cryoglobulinemia’. Meltzer and Franklin in 1966 provided an accurate description of the typical clinical symptoms associated with cryoglobulinemia, showed that they consisted of two different globulin components and, because of the ignorance on its etiology, called this clinical condition ‘essential mixed cryoglobulinemia’. For almost 20 years progress has been rather slow in this field, but when at the end of the ‘80s it finally became possible to detect the occurrence in the serum of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus (HCV), many groups in Europe and the United States almost simultaneously reported that a high proportion of ‘essential’ cryoglobulinemias are in fact associated with HCV infection. This hallmark has resulted in a new impetus and great enthusiasm in carrying out new researches made possible by the awareness that cryoglobulinemia is to be considered an undisputable extrahepatic manifestation of HCV infection. In addition, the evidence that HCV has tropism for hepatocytes and lymphocytes has stimulated new approaches to the autoimmune phenomena and the potential transformation in non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas which not infrequently can be discovered in these patients. The same applies to the obvious therapeutic implications, once the association between HCV infection and mixed cryoglobulinemia has been firmly established. It was thus felt that times were ripe to produce a state-of-the-art survey of the multi-faceted picture of cryoglobulinemia. This book is indeed unique in the detail of its presentation, its completeness and its fundamental approach to the subject. The most qualified authors have been invited to contribute critical articles reviewing significant developments related to each of the eight sections in which the whole treatment has been divided: from basic mechanisms governing interactions between HCV and the immune system to the immunochemical characterization of cryoglobulins and the frequently concomitant serological abnormalities; from genetic features and the role of certain cytokines and chemokines to the cellular compartments of HCV infection and replication; from the clinical manifestations of cryoglobulinemic patients and their potential susceptibility to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma to conventional treatment of the syndrome and the newer, promising therapeutic advances. The reader will appreciate the immediacy of style, the striking illustrations, and the color plates. In addition, the comprehensive review of a systemic disease such as cryoglobulinemia will interest basic scientists and specialists involved in several disciplines, including internal medicine, hepatology, hematology, oncology, infectious diseases, rheumatology, nephrology and dermatology. General practitioners, graduate and post-graduate students will also find in this book an irreplaceable source of update in this fascinating field. |
24.09.12 12:44
![]() Gerald L. Mandell Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 7 edition English | 2009 | ISBN: 0443068399 | 4320 pages |
24.09.12 13:52
![]() Diane E. Griffin, Michael B. A. Oldstone Measles: History and Basic Biology Published: 2008-12-12 | ISBN: 3540705228 | 208 pages Measles virus, one of the most contagious of all human viruses, has been largely contained by the development and use of a vaccine that was introduced 50 years ago. These two volumes were timed to honor the introduction of the vaccine and to record the enormous advancements made in understanding the molecular and cell biology, pathogenesis, and control of this infectious disease. Where vaccine has been effectively delivered, endemic measles virus transmission has been eliminated. However, difficulties in vaccine delivery, lack of health care support and objection to vaccination in some communities continue to result in nearly 40 million cases and over 300,000 deaths per year from measles. |
28.10.12 14:35
![]() Ellen M. Slaven, Susan C. Stone, Fred A. Lopez Infectious Diseases: Emergency Department Diagnosis & Management Published: 2006-08-15 | ISBN: 007143416X | 486 pages A "Must-Have" reference for every emergency department and for every emergency department physician! This is the first book on the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases, as they present to the Emergency Department, that's been written specifically for emergency physicians by emergency physicians. These expert authors, working in large urban Emergency Departments, understand the importance of having an authoritative reference at the ready for fast diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases occurring in all body systems. The expert authors present: Information selected and organized to meet the daily clinical needs of the emergency physician Case presentations in every chapter A Treatment Summary Box in each chapter, with at-a-glance review of recommended drugs and dosages Considerations of special populations Full treatment of current issues in infectious disease: bioterrorism (Anthrax, Smallpox, Plague, and Tularemia), sexually transmitted diseases, emerging infections (West Nile Virus, SARS, Hanta-Virus, and Leptospirosis), tick-borne diseases, fever in the returning traveler, and immunizations Examination of HIV-associated infections in various body systems Inclusion of TB-associated infections, influenza, CAP and bronchitis, and other lower respiratory tract infections A close look at central nervous system infections, including meningitis and encephalitis Guidance for gastrointestinal infections such as hepatitis, infectious diarrhea, and more |
05.11.12 13:04
![]() Erle S. Robertso Cancer Associated Viruses Published: 2011-12-19 | ISBN: 144199999X | 889 pages The acknowledgment that viruses are potent biological factors in driving many cancers have seen a dramatic upsurge in recent years in large part to the success of the human papilloma virus vaccine against invasive cervical carcinomas and followed by the awarding of the noble prize in medicine in 2008 to Dr. Harald zurHausen who identified the link between papilloma virus and cervical cancers. Over the last few years there have been some volumes addressing different aspects of viruses and cancers and to some extent focusing on the DNA viruses, more specifically the human DNA viruses. This proposed volume will attempt to review and address the major gaps in current knowledge in DNA viruses as well as RNA viruses bringing a historical perspective of where studies began to a more recent molecular approach and vaccine successes in tumor viruses. We will also cover other known oncogenic viruses associated cancers in other mammals in addition to humans. |
05.11.12 13:06
![]() Daniel J. Wilson Polio Publisher: Greеnwood | 2009-09-23 | ISBN: 0313358974 | 172 pages This new title in the Biographies of Disease series offers a thorough examination of medical and scientific efforts to battle polio, from the 19th-century identification of the virus to the great 20th-century epidemics, from the unprecedented campaign to find a vaccine to recent efforts to confront polio in West Africa and South Asia and eliminate it entirely. Beyond the science, "Polio" looks at the effects of the disease on individuals and the United States as a whole. The book gives readers a sense of what it was like to have polio and to recover from it. It also describes how the search for answers to polio led to the rise of one of America's premier medical charities--the March of Dimes--and how modern physical therapy practices emerged alongside the polio epidemics of the 20th century. |
05.11.12 13:07
![]() P. Dileep Kumar Rabies Publisher: Grеenwood | 2008-11-30 | ISBN: 0313345244 | PDF Diseases have a history, and understanding that history helps us understand how best to treat and control disease today. Today's students are confronted with a panoply of often-frightening illnesses and afflictions - the Biography of Diseases series provides students with the information that they need to understand the origin of various maladies, how they impact contemporary society, and how doctors and diseases researchers from around the world are fighting to devise treatments to alleviate or cure these. This volume, Rabies, examines that disease that caused fear and panic for centuries because of the horror of dying of rabies and the near certainty of death once one has contracted the disease. And despite the famous vaccine discovered by Louis Pasteur in the 19th centuries, thousands still die of rabies every year in developing countries. |
05.11.12 13:08
![]() Christopher Hamlin Cholera: The Biography Publisher: Oxfоrd Univеrsity Prеss | 2009-12-08 | ISBN: 019954624X | 256 pages Cholera is a frightening disease. Victims are wracked by stomach cramps and suffer intense diarrhoea. Death can come within hours. Though now seeming a distant memory in Europe, which suffered several epidemics in the 19th century before John Snow identified the link with water, cholera is still a serious threat in many parts of the world--Zimbabwe is a recent example. Snow's discovery was one of the great breakthroughs of epidemiology and a wonderful story from the history of science. Later came the discovery of the culprit organism--Cholera vibrio--understanding of its life cycle, and the development of a vaccine. But the problem of cholera has not disappeared. This book tells the story of cholera, and looks at both the medical success in the West, and the different attitudes to the disease in countries in which it is prevalent as opposed to those in which it put in a temporary appearance. Unlike other books on cholera, which focus on the experience of particular countries, Christopher Hamlin's account draws together the experiences from various countries, both those that were colonies and those that were not. Cholera: the biography is part of the Oxford series, Biographies of Diseases, edited by William and Helen Bynum. In each individual volume an expert historian or clinician tells the story of a particular disease or condition throughout history - not only in terms of growing medical understanding of its nature and cure, but also shifting social and cultural attitudes, and changes in the meaning of the name of the disease itself. |
05.11.12 13:09
![]() Allison Abendroth "Varicella-zoster Virus (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)" Publisher: Springer | 2010 | ISBN 3642127274 | 360 pages Varicella-zoster virus is a common human pathogen that causes varicella (chickenpox), establishes latency in sensory nerve ganglia and can reactivate many years later as herpes zoster. Although the VZV genome is the smallest of the human herpesviruses, VZV genes encode at least 70 proteins. Molecular epidemiologic approaches based on genomic sequencing have documented the global distribution of VZV in distinct clades that reflect patterns of human migration. Contemporary molecular methods are making it possible to dissect how VZV gene products support the viral life cycle, including those that are necessary for viral replication, virion assembly and egress as well as those that permit take over of the host cell by modulating cell cycle regulation, survival and intrinsic antiviral responses. Progress is also being made in understanding the events in VZV pathogenesis and the viral tropisms for keratinocytes, T cells, dendritic cells and neurons during primary infection, latency and reactivation and the innate and adaptive host responses that modulate these events. New insights about molecular virology and pathogenesis have emerged from comparative studies of VZV and simian varicella virus. VZV is the only human herpesvirus for which vaccines to prevent both primary and recurrent infection are approved and VZV vaccines have had significant public health benefits. These achievements and new directions that are unfolding are described in this review of VZV basic and clinical research |
05.11.12 13:11
![]() Patrick Guilfoile Whooping Cough (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics) Publisher: Chelsea House Publications | 2010-05 | ISBN: 1604132299 | 168 pages Deadly diseases can affect everyone. Although not all cases are fatal, each disease causes a degree of harm and discomfort to those whom it afflicts and can sometimes have long-lasting consequences. Each book in the "Deadly Diseases and Epidemics" series takes readers through all aspects of a disease - from its history and causes or method of infection to its treatment and prevention. These informative, full-color books provide a foundation for understanding the basics of microbiology, immunology, and epidemiology. Whooping cough, also called pertussis, is a highly contagious disease caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacterium. Characterized by severe coughing fits, whooping cough can lead to pneumonia, convulsions, encephalopathy, and, in rare cases, death. Since most infections occur in unvaccinated infants and children, vaccination is recommended for this highly contagious disease for infants starting at 2 months of age, with booster shots throughout childhood. Although whooping cough is more common in undeveloped nations, it is on the rise in the United States, with more than 15,000 cases in the country in 2006 compared to 1,000 in 1976.Whooping Cough explores both the historical and epidemiological aspects of this disease as well as its biology, providing information on its prevalence, treatment, vaccination, and prevention. Chapters include: What Is Whooping Cough? The History of Whooping Cough The Biology of Whooping Cough The Toxins of Bordetella Pertussis Treatment of Whooping Cough Prevention of Whooping Cough Future Prospects and Concerns |
05.11.12 13:12
![]() Brian R. Shmaefsky "Yellow Fever (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics)" 2009 | ISBN: 1604132310 | 118 pages Caused by a virus that is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, yellow fever gets its name for the jaundice it causes its victims. This hemorrhagic illness has plagued humans throughout history, and before the development of a yellow fever vaccine, the mortality rate from this disease was high. Tropical nations now prevent epidemic yellow fever levels through vaccination, and travelers to these areas are advised to take precautions. Yellow Fever explores both the historical and epidemiological aspects of this disease. Colorful photographs, maps, and illustrations provide important explanations of various aspects of yellow fever, and information on vaccination, treatment, prevention, and up-to-date statistics on worldwide incidences are provided. |
05.11.12 14:01
![]() Jeffrey Sfakianos, Alan Hecht West Nile Virus (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics) Publisher: Chеlsea Hоuse Рublications (2nd edition) | 2009-11-30 | ISBN: 160413254X | 124 pages In 1999, a deadly strain of West Nile virus struck parts of the northeastern United States. Caused by a virus from the family Flaviridae, genus Flavivirus, the disease was common in Africa and the Middle East. Today, it can be found across North America, Europe, and Asia. West Nile can cause serious illness, and in severe cases, lead to encephalitis, a swelling of the brain, which can be fatal. This revised edition of "West Nile Virus" contains new illustrations and up-to-date information, and takes a look at the origins of this disease, how it is transmitted, how it is treated, and what measures are being taken to combat it. Updates to this edition include expanded information on West Nile virus strains and genetic sequencing of the virus, as well as the latest outbreak statistics and a section discussing recent efforts to create a West Nile virus vaccine. Chapters of this title include: The West Nile Panic; A Virus Transmitted by Mosquitoes; How West Nile Virus Causes Disease; Diagnosis and Treatment of West Nile Virus; and Vaccines and Prevention. Chapters include: The West Nile Panic A Virus Transmitted by Mosquitoes How West Nile Virus Causes Disease Diagnosis and Treatment of West Nile Virus Vaccines and Prevention. |
05.11.12 14:45
![]() Alan Hecht "Polio (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics)" Chelsea House Publications | English | 2009-01-30 | ISBN: 1604132388 | PDF Until the middle of the 20th century, polio affected people all over the world. The disease, caused by a virus in the genus Enterovirus, often left its survivors with weakened muscles or varying degrees of paralysis. In their later years, many once-healthy survivors experienced a condition known as post-polio syndrome. Once effective vaccines were developed, polio was eradicated in the United States and other countries, although it still remains a threat in many developing areas. This revised edition of "Polio" contains new illustrations and updated coverage of all aspects of this disease, including the latest vaccination information, world outbreak and immunization statistics, and a progress report on international efforts to eradicate polio.The chapters include: The History of Polio; The Transmission of Polio and How It Affects the Body;Vaccines and How They Work; Just When We Thought It Was Safe: Post-Polio SyndromeWhat Lies Ahead? And, The Future of Polio. |
05.11.12 14:46
![]() Deadly Diseases and Epidemics - Diphtheria Publisher: Chelsea House Publications | Language: English | ISBN:1604132280 | 120 pages | Dat a: 2009 Description: Although the earliest accounts of diphtheria date back at least 2,000 years, this disease was first associated with major epidemics in Europe during the 16th century. By the 18th century, diphtheria became a major cause of childhood illness and death in the New World. With the advent of widespread vaccination in the 1920s, the number of cases and deaths dropped dramatically. However, in areas where vaccination rates drop, diphtheria can rapidly become reestablished, as seen in the late 1990s in several former Soviet republics. Diphtheria is a bacterial infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which attacks the respiratory system. "Diphtheria" describes the disease, the bacteria that causes it, and the development of effective treatments. Chapters of this title include: History of Diphtheria; How Does Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Cause Disease; How Is Diphtheria Treated; How Is Diphtheria Prevented; Resurgence of Diphtheria in the Former Soviet Union; and, Uses of Diphtheria Toxin. |