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Ресурсы для средних мед.работников (мед.сестрам, акушеркам и т.д.), дети, взрослые, пожилые пациенты

Lori K. Garrett
"Skills for Nursing and Healthcare Students: Study Skills, Maths, and Science, 2nd Revised edition"
2011 | ISBN-10: 0273738259 | 312 pages

This clear, helpful and interactive book will help you prepare for and succeed in your nursing and healthcare studies. Supporting anatomy and physiology, drug administration, clinical practice and preparation for assessments, this book will give you the tools to success. Using examples from practice to bring the subjects to life, Skills for Nursing & Healthcare Students is your essential guide to the core skills you will need to master. The book includes guided explanations and interactive exercises that will help you brush up on your maths and study skills and get up-to-speed with anatomical terminology, the basics of the human body, chemistry and cell biology.

Amy M. Karch
2012 Lipрincott's Nursing Drug Guide
Published: 2011-06-14 | ISBN: 1609136217 | 1536 pages

Quick A-to-Z Access to Current, Accurate Drug Information!
The 2012 Lipрincott's Nursing Drug Guide, the comprehensive nursing drug resource for nurses and nursing students, is now updated with more than 1,200 additions and changes to provide the most accurate drug information available.
This comprehensive drug guide incorporates the nursing process to provide extensive medication information, with complete monographs on 700 common drugs—including 15 new drugs—and appendices that summarize key information on 200 less commonly used drugs. Organized alphabetically by generic drug name, this drug resource provides fast access to the information needed to prevent drug errors and administer medications safely and accurately.
The 2012 Lipрincott's Nursing Drug Guide offers:
More than 1,200 new additions, changes, and updates on indications, dosages, and administration
NEW Alerts to MRSA-risk antibiotics
NEW “Tall Man” lettering to prevent confusion of similarly named drugs
NEW appendix of drug-related websites, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sites
Complete monographs containing generic and trade names, pronunciations, pregnancy risk category, controlled substance schedule, drug classes, therapeutic actions, indications, contraindications and cautions, available forms, dosages, pharmacokinetics, IV facts, adverse effects, interactions, and nursing considerations—including assessment, interventions, teaching points
A graphic "alert" symbol for drugs that cannot be crushed, cut, or chewed
A 32-page full-color photo guide to pills and capsules
Icons identifying dangerous drugs and new indications
Interactions by drug-drug, drug-food, drug-lab tests, and drug-alternative therapy
An appendix for best practices on disposal of medications
An appendix of patient teaching to prevent medication errors
An appendix with mini-monographs on over 200 less commonly used drugs
On the companion website—NEW drug information and resources!
NCLEX-style review questions
Patient-teaching aids and other patient safety resources
Tips for special populations
Reference tools

Schaum's Outline of Nursing Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Language: English | Publisher: McGraw-Hill | ISBN: 0071736506 | 2010 | 320 pages

Study faster, learn better, and get top grades
Modified to conform to the current curriculum, Schaum's Outline of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests for Nursing complements these courses in scope and sequence to help you understand its basic concepts. The book offers extra practice on topics such as guidelines for proper test preparation and performance, stool tests, urine studies, x-ray studies, manometric studies, ultrasound studies, etc. You’ll also get coverage of electrodiagnostic tests, blood studies, nuclear scanning, fluid analysis studies, microscopic studies, and endoscopic studies. Appropriate for the following course: nursing diagnosis.

500 review questions with answers
Relevant examples and extensive end-of-chapter exercises motivate students to understand new material and reinforce acquired skills
Support for all the major textbooks for nursing diagnosis courses

Topics include: Hematology Tests, Electrolytes, Arterial Blood Gases Test, Liver Tests, Cardiac Enzymes and Markers Tests, Serologic Tests, Endocrine Tests, Glucose Tests, Tumor Markers, Pregnancy and Genetic Tests, Infection Tests, Renal Function Tests, Pancreas and Lipid Metabolism Tests, Diagnostic Radiologic Tests, Computed Tomography (CT) Scan, Ultrasound Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) SCAN, Biopsy, Cardiovascular Tests and Procedure, Lungs Tests and Procedures, Women Tests and Procedures, Maternity Tests, Chest, Abdominal, Urinary Tract Tests, Bones Muscles Tests, Men

Marshall B. Dunning and Frances Fischbach
"Nurse's Quick Reference to Common Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests"
Lippi ncott | 2010 | ISBN: 0781796164 | 704 pages

This full-color, portable handbook contains an alphabetical listing of common laboratory and diagnostic tests, with nursing interventions, in a consistent format. The focus is on the nurse's role in performing, evaluating, or assisting with tests. Clinical Alerts throughout highlight vital information. This edition includes many recently approved tests, as well as the latest information on legal, ethical, and safety issues important to nurses and their expanded role in diagnostic testing.

Elizabeth Nieginski
"Student Laboratory Manual for Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking"  
2012 | ISBN: 0781780632 | 200 pages

This Student Laboratory Manual was written by Jo Anne Kirk, RN, MSN, to accompany Bates’ Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking by
Beth Hogan-Quigley, Mary Louise Palm, and Lynn S. Bickley. Each chapter has a corresponding textbook chapter and contains activities to help
you retain and apply the knowledge you have gained fr om the associated textbook.
The following information outlines the purpose of each section of the Laboratory Manual:

■ Learning Objectives. Each chapter begins with a review of the stated Learning Objectives from the corresponding textbook chapter.
■ Study Guide. The Study Guide portion of each chapter includes combinations of Fill in the Blank, Labeling, Matching, Sequencing, Short Answer, and Multiple Choice questions.
All of these exercises help students to reinforce knowledge, synthesize concepts, prepare for tests, and ensure their understanding of Physical Examination and History Taking. An answer key to each chapter is provided at the end of the manual.
■ Case Studies. These scenarios focus on critical thinking. They ask students to consider how responses to patients would change with different assessment data, patient background, medical diagnoses, and other key variables.
■ Documentation. Wh ere applicable, the chapters include the Form for Use in Practice, which serves as a quick checklist by which students can ensure that they are covering all key areas of the health history and physical assessment. This serves to help guide students through their clinical experiences.
The authors and publisher sincerely hope that this product achieves the goals of assisting with learning and optimizing comprehension and application to facilitate quality health assessments and competent nursing care.

The Nurse Mentor's Handbook: Supporting Students in Clinical Practice
Open University Press; 1 edition | October 1, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0335237215 | 240 pages

All nurses have a duty, via their professional code of conduct, to pass on their knowledge and this book is the ideal companion text for all new and trainee nurse mentors. This book provides a unique guide to strategies and ideas to help devise and enhance learning opportunities for their students.
With a practical and accessible style, the book answers all those questions that mentors may have about the mentoring role, including:
How can I create a good learning environment?
How should I assess students in practice?
How do I support failing students?
What should I include in my mentors portfolio?

Palliative Care Nursing: principles and evidence for practice
Open University Press; 2 edition | August 1, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0335221815 | 736 pages | PDF | 6.4 Mb

It has been a true pleasure to have had the opportunity to peruse the second edition of Palliative Care Nursing.... This book, authored predominately by UK-based experts, succeeds in presenting sophisticated thoughts in readily accessible language… Each chapter begins with a summary of key points, with both classic and new relevant literature well integrated into the text. I have also been particularly impressed with the editors' final chapter, in which they synthesize a number of crucial issues for the future development of palliative care… this second edition makes a significant contribution to both the palliative care literature as well as to nursing literature.

Chad O'Lynn, Russell Tranbarger

"Men in Nursing: History, Challenges, and Opportunities"
Springer Publishing Company | 2006-08-14 | ISBN: 0826102212 | 320 pages

If you're thinking about a career in nursing or currently practicing in the field, this new innovative guide is just for you. For the first time, authors, educators and practicing nurses, Chad O'Lynn and Russell Tanbarger offer a unique insider's view to how men work, succeed, and survive in this fast growing segment of the healthcare industry.

From the barriers and stereotypes men must overcome, to the basic daily work needs they have as nurses, this book covers the entire spectrum of career-based issues men face today and have faced in the past.

Men in Nursing is the perfect guide for men seeking a career in this fast growing industry. From insider advice and real-life experiences, this new innovative and inspiring guide is a must-have for everyone involved in the field today.

Topics Covered Include: History-Presents an inspirational overview of the contributions men have made to the nursing field. Current Issues - Provides recommendations to address barriers such as reverse discrimination, workplace communication and leadership. Worldwide Perspective - Includes examples from countries outside the United States proving similarities and concern exist throughout the world. Future Directions-Offers insight and solutions in order to grow and maintain the interest and enthusiasm of careers in nursing for men.

Joyce Smith, Rachel Roberts
"Vital Signs for Nurses: An Introduction to Clinical Observations"
Wil y-Bla ckwell | 2011 | ISBN: 1405190388 | 280 pages

Monitoring, observing and recording the vital signs of patients is a fundamental aspect of delivering quality patient care. This practical and accessible guide will develop your underpinning knowledge and skills in both theory and practice for the adult patient found either in hospital, private sector or community settings.

A must-have for health care assistants, student nurses or newly qualified registered nurses working within any health care environment, this book explores not only how to assess and monitor patients, but also covers:
Legal and ethical issues
Infection prevention and control
Reflective practice
Continuing professional development

This essential and practical resource also features learning objectives, case studies, a glossary of key terms, activities and multiple choice questions to assist you in your understanding of this subject.

Kathy Latch Putnam
"Pharmacology Case Study Workbook"
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers | ISBN: 0763776130 | edition 2010 | 452 pages

Written by a distinguished nursing professional with over 25 years of experience, Pharmacology Case Studies provides nursing students with an opportunity to apply pharmacology concepts to real-world situations. The text features 50 case studies based on real-life clinical situations that challenge students to think critically and develop effective problem-solving skills. Case studies present patientsrs" medication history, enabling students to learn about the disease process from the point of medication use an approach used in actual clinical practice. Other features include a review of key terms, home and intensive care scenarios, and a list of variables that must be considered in order to conduct an appropriate case analysis. Also present are a series of questions that will help guide students in developing effective ways to handle the scenario. Perfect for individual or group use, Pharmacology Case Studies is a valuable tool to help prepare nursing students for clinical practice!

Bennita Vaughans

"Nursing Fundamentals DeMYSTiFieD: A Self-Teaching Guide"
McGraw-Hill Professional | 2010 | ISBN: 0071495703 | 332 pages

Nursing success begins with the fundamentals!

Nursing Fundamentals Demystified offers a fast and interesting way for you to understand the foundational concepts and information that will be the cornerstone of your entire nursing education and career. It helps you sort through the mountain of information nursing students face and focus on the essentials – that which you truly must know to be a successful nurse. You’ll also learn how apply this information to real-world clinical situations.

In order to make the learning process as effective as possible, you’ll find learning aids such as chapter objectives; key terms, tables and boxed information which summarize important concepts; nursing alerts which spotlight critical safety information; nursing care plans in selected chapters which help you identify key assessment data, nursing diagnoses, and interventions; selected procedure tips to assist you with the clinical application of content, questions that appear throughout each chapter to help you evaluate your comprehension; and NCLEX®-style questions at the end of each chapter.

Get a working understanding of these important concepts:
The nursing process, Communication and Documentation, Vital sign assessment, Health assessment, Medication Administration, Safety, Skin integrity, Activity and mobility, Sensory and cognition, Sleep and comfort, Oxygenanation, Nutrition, Fluid, electrolyte, acid-base balance, Urinary elimination, Bowel elimination, Psychosocial needs

Florence Nightingale on Women, Medicine, Midwifery and Prostitution: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 8
Publisher: Wilfrid Laurier University Press | pages: 1101 | 2005 | ISBN: 0889204667

Volume 8: Florence Nightingale on Women, Medicine, Midwifery and Prostitution makes available a great range of Florence Nightingale’s work on women: her pioneering study of maternal mortality in childbirth (Introductory Notes on Lying-in Institutions), her opposition to the regulation of prostitution through the Contagious Diseases Acts (attempts to stop the legislation and otherwise to facilitate the voluntary treatment of syphilitic prostitutes), her views on gender roles, marriage and measures for income security for women and excerpts from her draft (abandoned) novel. There is correspondence with women friends and colleagues from childhood to old age, on a vast range of subjects. Correspondents include old family friends, royal and notable personages, nuns and colleagues in various causes. Most of this material has not been published before and some letters wil be new even to Nightingale scholars.

Victoria Harmer

"Breast Cancer Nursing Care and Management"
2011 | ISBN: 1405198664 | 384 pages

This comprehensive handbook is for nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of people with breast cancer. It gives up-to-date evidence-based information and practical advice on nursing care throughout diagnosis, treatment, recovery and end-of-life care.

Each chapter is written by an expert in the field. Topics include the anatomy of the breast, available treatments, complementary therapies, the psychological care of patients and their families, and the role of the specialist nurse. This book provides a well-balanced approach to all aspects of managing breast malignancy. The importance of writing from a nursing perspective is underlined so that the essence of support and bedside care is maintained.

This second edition includes:
Updates on guidelines as well as references to recent trials and changes to the breast screening programme
A new chapter on survivorship issues covering the long-term consequences and effects of recovering from breast cancer

Fundamentals of Nursing

Sue C. DeLaune, Patricia Kelly Ladner
2010 | 1438 Pages | ISBN: 1435480678

FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING, Fourth Edition is the ideal book to provide comprehensive coverage of fundamental nursing concepts, skills and standards of practice that will challenge introductory nursing students to learn and apply critical thinking skills for culturally diverse populations in a variety of environments. Research, evidence-based practice and emerging practice issues are highlighted to help readers prepare for delivering care across a continuum of settings. This book highlights the core themes of nursing, including nurse, person, health and environment.

Patricia Gonce Morton RN PhD ACNP-BC FAAN

"Essentials of Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins))"
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 1609136934 | 2012 | 536 pages

Essentials of Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach focuses on the most common disorders and technologies encountered by a critical care nurse today. It includes enough depth to enhance the reader’s full understanding of important topics and fully prepares the student for practice. The clear, concise writing style assists students in understanding the pathophysiological basis for illness and the strategies the critical care nurse uses in assessing and managing patients. This text contains information about important psychosocial concepts, legal and ethical issues, history and physical examinations, key laboratory and diagnostic tests, as well as key nursing interventions used in critical care.

Easy Injections
Lyn Weiss, Julie K. Silver, Ted A. Lennard
ISBN: 0750675276 | edition 2007 | 214 pages

This practical, one-of-a-kind manual guides you step by step through the most common injection techniques for a full range of disorders. Experts in the field help you assess whether an injection is indicated, localize the site, choose the correct needle, avoid possible complications, provide necessary post-injection care, and more. A user-friendly format, clinical pearls, state-of-the-art line drawings, and the latest guidelines make this handbook an essential reference for any physician performing an injection procedure.

Kerry Cheever
I.V. Therapy Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide
Published: 2007-12-20 | ISBN: 0071496785 | 304 pages

Your solution to mastering I.V. therapy
Looking for a quick way to learn the ins-and-outs of I.V. therapy but find other books dripping with complexity? Here's your lifeline! I.V. Therapy Demystified infuses essential information with clear explanations to make learning easy.
Written by a nursing professor, this detailed guide covers fluids and electrolytes, I.V. therapy delivery systems, and peripheral and central I.V. therapy. You will learn about crystalloid and colloid solutions and blood component, parenteral nutrition, and pharmacological therapies. I.V. therapy in infants, children, and older adults is also covered. Filled with key terms to help you to remember important concepts, and complete with end-of-chapter quizzes to test your knowledge, this book will teach you the fundamentals of I.V. therapy in no time at all.
I.V. Therapy Demystified is your shortcut to mastering this essential nursing topic.
This fast and easy guide offers:
Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
An NCLEX-style quiz at the end of each chapter to reinforce learning and pinpoint weaknesses
Measurements labeled in SI units
Indications for I.V. therapy and options for delivery
A time-saving approach to performing better on an exam or at work

Carol R. Taylor PhD MSN RN, Carol Lillis, Priscilla LeMone and Pamela Lynn

"Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care"
English | 2010 | ISBN: 0781793866 | 432 pages

Created in conjunction with Fundamentals of Nursing, Seventh Edition, this Study Guide helps students review and apply concepts from the textbook to prepare for exams as well as nursing practice. Each chapter includes three sections: Practicing for NCLEX® (containing multiple-choice and alternate-format questions), Developing Your Knowledge Base (including a variety of questions formats such as fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer), and Applying Your Knowledge (comprised of critical thinking questions, reflective practice scenarios, and patient care studies). An Answer Key appears at the back of the book.

Suzanne C. Smeltzer

"Study Guide to Accompany Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 0781785944 | 496 pages

The perfect companion to Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, this exemplary study tool helps you better understand the concepts, techniques, and disease processes detailed in the textbook.

Pamela J. Carter

"Workbook for Textbook for Nursing Assistants: A Humanistic Approach to Caregiving"
English | 2011 | ISBN: 1605476366 | 416 pages

This comprehensive full-color student workbook contains worksheets for each chapter of Lippincott's Textbook for Nursing Assistants, Third Edition. The worksheets are fully integrated with the text and offer exercises, questions, and learning activities for students
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