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Информационные технологии в медицине

THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY GLOBAL mHEALTH INITIATIVE (JHU GmI) is a Universitywide Community of Excellence, connecting faculty, staff and students in transdisciplinary collaborations in the field of mobile health. JHU GmI serves faculty, staff and students at Johns Hopkins, as well as global public and private sector partners, in identifying appropriate mHealth strategies for global health challenges and providing expertise in technology development, health content, efficacy research and program evaluation.
OUR MISSION is to develop responsive innovations and provide rigorous, evidence-based support for mobile information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve global health, focusing on resource-limited settings where the global burden of disease and mortality are highest. Our focus is on technology that is appropriate and scalable.
Guide to Privacy and Security of Health Information

Contains information on privacy and security in health information technology and meaningful use of electronic health records. -- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The guide is a comprehensive, and easy-to-understand tool to help providers and professionals integrate privacy and security into their clinical practice and includes sections addressing:
  • Privacy & Security and Meaningful Use
  • Security Risk Analysis and Management Tips
  • Working with EHR and Health IT Vendors
  • A Privacy & Security 10-Step Plan
  • Health IT Privacy and Security Resources
Journal of Medical Internet Research
JMIR is the leading peer-reviewed eHealth/mHealth journal ( Impact Factor: 4.7 ), ranked #1 in Medical Informatics, and #2 in Health Sciences/Health Services Research

Electronic Health Records (2nd Edition)
English | ISBN : 0073374393 | January 15, 2010 | 410 pages | PDF | 24 MB

The availability of complete medical information when needed brought the innovation of storing the patient's information electronically. Improvement of patient medical care was and is the catalyst for the electronic health record. Electronic Health Records provides the conceptual theory and hands-on application students need to work in today's medical office.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
JAMIA is AMIA's premier peer-reviewed journal for biomedical and health informatics.
Covering the full spectrum of activities in the field, JAMIA includes informatics articles in the areas of clinical care, clinical research, translational science, implementation science, imaging, education, consumer health, public health, and policy.
JAMIA's articles describe innovative informatics research and systems that help to advance biomedical science and to promote health.
Case reports, perspectives and reviews also help readers stay connected with the most important informatics developments in implementation, policy and education.
Изменено: Жозефа - 20.10.12 11:44

Telemedicine Technologies: Information Technologies in Medicine and Telehealth
Wiley | 2010-12-28 | ISBN: 047074569X | 288 pages |

This book brings together a broad range of topics demonstrating how information and wireless technologies can be used in healthcare

In this book, the authors focus on how medical information can be reliably transmitted through wireless communication networks. It explains how they can be optimized to carry medical information in various situations by utilizing readily available traditional wireless local area network (WLAN) and broadband wireless access (BWA) systems. In addition, the authors discuss consumer healthcare technology, which is becoming more popular as reduction in manufacturing cost of electronics products makes healthcare products more affordable to the general public. Finally, the book explores topics such as communication networks and services, patient monitoring, information processing, system deployment, data security and privacy, information technology in alternative medicine, multimedia and health informatics, and caring for the community.

Key Features:

* Focuses on the transmission of medical information over wireless communication networks, and addresses topics such as communication networks and services, patient monitoring, information processing, system deployment, data security and privacy, and many others
* Provides an in-depth introduction to the various factors that need to be considered for supporting healthcare services with information technology
* Covers advancements in topics such as RFID in healthcare
* Discusses medical signal processing as well as ECG and signal processing techniques

This book will be of interest to advanced students and professors in biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, and information engineering. Medical and IT professionals involved in specifying new facilities, healthcare practitioners in telemedicine, researchers in wireless communications and information technology, and network administrators will also find this book insightful.

Crissa Draper, William T. O'Donohue

"Stepped Care and e-Health: Practical Applications to Behavioral Disorders"
English | 2010-10-28 | ISBN: 1441965092 | 337 pages

Stepped care provides the least intrusive intervention to individuals seeking treatment by providing a range of treatment intensities. In the past two decades, computers and the internet have provided a new and efficient medium that lends well to adding steps in a stepped-care model. While there is ample evidence to support the positive effects of bibliotherapy or self-help books, computer-aided therapy (also known as e-health) has the potential to take these effects even further. This volume will be of interest to practitioners and organizations attempting to serve rural and underserved communities. The book focuses on evidence-based treatment, making it consistent with quality improvement initiatives.

Internet Cool Tools for Physicians
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 3540763813 | edition 2008 | PDF

As the single most powerful information tool in history, the Internet has changed everything and has only just begun changing the practice of medicine. Fortunately, the individual physician can also leverage the power of the Net to his or her own individual circumstances and needs. No single book will turn a physician into an Internet expert, but this one offers the savvy physician a large handful of shortcuts to getting to most out of free Internet tools and tricks. Leveraged intelligently, these can save the physician time, money, and hassle.

Richard Wootton, Jennifer Batch

"Telepediatrics: Telemedicine And Child Health"
Royal Society of Medicine Press | 2005-01 | ISBN: 1853156450 | 345 pages

Wootton (Centre for Online Health, University of Queensland), Batch (Endocrinology, Royal Children's Hospital) and contributors discuss barriers to the development of telepediatrics as well as providing numerous case studies which demonstrate how health services and education can (and have been) successfully delivered to health professionals, patients, and families who are remote from the source of expertise. Chapters focus on specialist services, and cover topics such as telecardiology in Canada and Australia; telemedicine applications in the management of asthma; intensive care unit telemedicine; tele-ophthalmology; telemedicine in physical and/or sexual abuse; telemedicine and underserved communities in developing nations; telemedicine and pediatric surgery; telephone help lines for parents; educational videoconferences for parents in the Bronx; and Internet sites for parents, children, and young people.

Harlan R. Weinberg
Dr. Weinberg's Guide to the Best Health Resources on the Web
Publisher: Cоllins Rеference | 2008-01-02 | ISBN: 0061373362 |288 pages

The Internet can be a vast, intimidating place when you're looking for honest, informative medical information. Sure, you can look up thousands of sites on Google at the click of a mouse, but how do you know if the advice on a particular site is good, or, if followed, might actually worsen your condition?
Now, Harlan Weinberg, a respected critical care doctor, has taken on the challenge to provide up-to-date, helpful information for patients and their families about the resources available on the Internet, exhaustively researching the Web to provide a directory of the best medical websites. Organized by disease or condition, and covering nearly one hundred afflictions from AIDS/HIV medicine to wound care, he offers an annotated list of sites that are both reliable and easy to understand. With Dr. Weinberg's help, you can navigate the Internet with confidence and get the right advice at the right time.

The need for tools that help provide coordinated care is growing. And according to Sai Subramaniam, business head for Life Sciences & Healthcare at Persistent Systems, health IT professionals need to start thinking beyond traditional models of building and running applications, which tend to be "complex and expensive."
"Taking a platform as a service approach (PaaS)… healthcare IT professionals can now focus on building integrated care management applications and providing real value to physicians and patients," he said.
"The benefits for healthcare organizations, patients, and professionals include the ability to deliver custom risk and analytics tools faster, [the ability to] implement evidence-based rules and guidelines quicker, and having the capacity to help caregivers collaborate and intervene in real-time."
Subramaniam outlines five critical and enabling technologies health systems should require.
1. Predictive analytics and modeling tools. According to Subramaniam, these tools are used to "stratify" the population, identify at-risk patients, provide better provision screening tests, identify gaps in care, and facilitate better pre-care planning. "Such pre-care HIT tools will provide actionable information that a physician can use at [the] point of care," he said. "This can be bolstered by big data, such as text analytics and d Subramaniam. "Since the number and kinds of clinical quality measures will evolve, the tools have to be flexible."
2.  Business intelligence  tools. These tools are needed at the point of care, so physicians can quickly interpret data, define "health interventions," and support actions such as specialist referrals and disease management. "It's critical that the reports and dashboards are intuitive and interactive -- like graphs, heat maps, etc. -- for seamless clinical decision support," said Subramaniam. "Since the number and kinds of clinical quality measures will evolve, the tools have to be flexible."
3. Portal and CRM tools. These tools are used to manage patient's pre-care and post-care needs. "Tools such as health risk assessment and visit coordination are important for pre-care, whereas adherence and online tele-visits are important for post-care," said Subramaniam. CRM tools, he continued, allow care coordinators to track patients and intervene proactively, all while using integrated "contact center" technologies. "Portals can provide detailed educational information for patients to access and learn at their convenience," he said.
4. Mobility apps tools. Physicians look to these tools mainly for post-care procedures or outreach and education. "Patients need to be able to access and report critical information on the go to help them adhere to interventions defined at the point of care," said Subramaniam. "This includes accessing guidelines prescribed by physicians, as well as having the capability to report health information, such as sugar levels and blood pressure, back to the physician." Portals need to be accessible fr om smartphones, while providing access to tools like health information libraries and health calculators, Subramaniam added.
5. Collaboration and social tools. These allow health systems to collaborate, engage, and make long-term behavioral changes in the population. "Care coordinators should have access to online chat platforms that allow online interactions with fellow caregivers and facilitate better case management," said Subramaniam. Patients need to be on a community social platform, he continues, "wh ere games and activities will promote health behaviors like exercise, losing weight, smoking cessation, and alcohol abstinence."
JISC is the UK’s expert on information and digital technologies for education and research

Peter L. Elkin

"Terminology and Terminological Systems (Health Informatics)"
ISBN: 144712815X | 2012 | 240 pages

This book will provide readers with the essential information needed to understand knowledge representation with a focus on healthcare. The book will use health sector real world examples to delineate the principal issues and solutions for the field of data representation. The book will include a history of terminologies and in particular their use in healthcare. This book will cover the basis, authoring and use of reference terminologies including the formalisms needed to use them safely. The editor will exhaustively cover the field of concept-based indexing and will provide readers with an understanding of natural language processing and its application to health terminologies. The book will discuss terminology services and the architecture for terminological servers. This text will serve as the basis for a course or equally well as a reference text.
Social media: potential and problems


BOSTON--A wide variety of speakers presented their research projects during the Medicine 2.0 Congress and proved that while mobile health has much potential, it raises many questions as well.
Full story at http://www.clinical-innovation.com/index.php?option=com_articles&view=article&id=35194:social-media-potential-and-problems
Libraries, Telecentres, Cybercafes and Public Access to ICT: International Comparisons

Authors: R. Gomez; IGI global
--->Published: 2012
Full text of document http://faculty.washington.edu/rgomez/publications/2012%20full%20book,%20libraries,%20telecenters%20and%20cybercafes.pdf
The goal of this documnet is to portray the landscape of users and uses of public access to computers and the Internet in developing countries around the world. In 2007-2010, the Technology & Social Change Group at the University of Washington conducted a ground-breaking study in 25 countries, the Landscape Study, to better understand who uses information and communication technologies (ICT) in public access venues and how. Each country conducted a discrete section of the study and shared a report. All the data was then collated and analyzed. This book attempts to put all the pieces together in order to make comparisons and cross-references for further research.
The complete article is available as a provisional PDF at http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6947-12-67.pdfhttps://r.mail.yandex.net/url/2U_gvqXclZ5P_sH1gGTtwQ,1348418946/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpubmed%2F22781312
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012 Jul 10;12(1):67.
A Systematic Review of Healthcare Applications for Smartphones.
Mosa AS, Yoo I, Sheets L.

BACKGROUND: Advanced mobile communications and portable computation are now combined in handheld devices called "smartphones", which are also capable of running third-party software. The number of smartphone users is growing rapidly, including among healthcare professionals. The purpose of this study was to classify smartphone-based healthcare technologies as discussed in academic literature according to their functionalities, and summarize articles in each category.

METHODS: In April 2011, MEDLINE was searched to identify articles that discussed the design, development, evaluation, or use of smartphone-based software for healthcare professionals, medical or nursing students, or patients. A total of 55 articles discussing 83 applications were sel ected for this study from 2,894 articles initially obtained fr om the MEDLINE searches.

RESULTS: A total of 83 applications were documented: 57 applications for healthcare professionals focusing on disease diagnosis (21), drug reference (6), medical calculators (, literature search (6), clinical communication (3), Hospital Information System (HIS) client applications (4), medical training (2) and general healthcare applications (7); 11 applications for medical or nursing students focusing on medical education; and 15 applications for patients focusing on disease management with chronic illness (6), ENT-related (4), fall-related (3), and two other conditions (2). The disease diagnosis, drug reference, and medical calculator applications were reported as most useful by healthcare professionals and medical or nursing students.

CONCLUSIONS: Many medical applications for smartphones have been developed and widely used by health professionals and patients. The use of smartphones is getting more attention in healthcare day by day. Medical applications make smartphones useful tools in the practice of evidence-based medicine at the point of care, in addition to their use in mobile clinical communication. Also, smartphones can play a very important role in patient education, disease self-management, and remote monitoring of patients.

"Distance Education" ed. by Paul Birevu Muyinda
2012 | ISBN: 9535107569 9789535107569 | 264 pages

Distance education is becoming the solution to the aforementioned challenges. It has been defined as the mode of study where the learner is separated in time and space from the institution and tutors providing the tuition.

1 Strategic Decision of Non-Profit State Universities: Turning to Open and Distance Education
2 Open and Distance Learning: Achievements and Challenges in a Developing Sub-Educational Sector in Africa
3 Bridging the Distance: The Pedagogy of Mobile Learning in Supporting Distance Learners
4 Virtual Reality Applied in Distance Education
5 E-Learning in Chemical Education
6 Virtual Reality Technology as an Didactical and Pedagogical Resource in Distance Education for Professional Training
7 Quality Assurance in Distance Education in Brazil
8 Generations of Distance Education and Challenges of Distance Education Institutions in Japanese Higher Education
9 Locational Dynamics Influencing the Information Environment of Distance Learners in Botswana
10 Study Mode Does Not Matter: MLearning Can Support Internal and Distance Learners

"Informatics Needs and Challenges in Cancer Research"

Sharyl J. Nass and Theresa Wizemann
Workshop Summary. National Cancer Policy Forum; Board on Health Care Services; Institute of Medicine
NAS Press | 2012 | ISBN: 0309259487 9780309259484 | 147 pages

The issue was designed to raise awareness of the critical and urgent importance of the challenges, gaps and opportunities in informatics; to frame the issues surrounding the development of an integrated system of cancer informatics for acceleration of research; and to discuss solutions for transformation of the cancer informatics enterprise.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and WHO today launched a new partnership called the ‘mHealth’ Initiative to use mobile technology, in particular text messaging and apps, to help combat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory diseases.
Through the Initiative, ITU and WHO will provide evidence-based and operational guidance to encourage partners worldwide, especially governments, to implement mHealth interventions to address prevention and treatment of NCDs and their common risk factors – tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol.
Mobile health (mHealth) for tobacco control
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